Your Home for

Mental Wellness

Mental Wellness is Top Priority!

Mental Wellness programs, projects and workshops available to increase self-esteem, self-awareness and coping skills for teens and adults. This includes our highly-sought Trauma-Informed Care for Youth Workshop and Training.

Engaging in Monthly Events to share different coping skill modalities and ways to engage community members in healing various healing methods.

Call or Text 301-456-0563 for immediate emotional assistance, or see our Direct Services to book us for community events. Yoga, Sound Bath, Cooking, Cleaning, WHATEVER YOU NEED!

Meet the Joy Leaders!

H.U.M.A.N.I.T.Y 360 INC (Helping Us Make An Interaction Through You) stands at the forefront of a compassionate and crucial mission to alleviate the suffering caused by mental illnesses and to make significant strides in reducing the suicide rate within the United States through their 50 State Joy Tour. Their unwavering commitment is directed toward crafting a future where individuals, irrespective of their background or circumstances, have access to a wealth of resources, comprehensive education, and practical tools to confront and navigate the challenges of life that impact their mental well-being. Through 22 states they have developed and created meaningful and effective tools of practice for both Youth and Adults!

Contact Us

How can we support you on your Mental Wellness Journey?